Joseph was a wealthy tin merchant and highly respected amongst both the Jews and the Romans, he was a direct descendant of King Solomon of Jerusalem and his commercial empire spanned most of the Roman provinces, including as far West as the British Isles where he owned several tin mines. He is known to have been a member of the Sanhedrin along with being both a relative and a secret disciple of the young rabbi known as Yeshua of Nazareth.
This story however focuses on his life outside the middle east, over in the West. After the Jewish elders imprisonment of Joseph and his subsequent escape he relocated to the British isles where he had good relations with ruling King of Britain Cunobelinus who refused to submit to Roman rule, he’d offered refuge to Joseph, his family and his followers. Joseph already held land their near his tin mines so it seemed an obvious area to remove himself to.
Joseph settled there with his wife Lady Yochanna and family and was given tax free status by the King, as Joseph would obviously be quite a good boon for the British isles. His daughter Yochanna married Saint Mark or Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן), the son of Saint Aristobulus and brother of Saint James The Elder. Joseph’s son Mar Gilad married Nissiya Naire, the daughter of Nataniel bar Tolmai or Saint Bartholomew. Gilad’s son Mar Nathan the Red who was named after his maternal grandfather married Fionna who was Princess of the Millesians and their son Mar Phares born 53 CE grew up to marry a daughter of Saint Cyllin and his wife Julia who was a daughter of Saint Andrew, the brother of Saint Peter. Saint Cyllin was King of the Britons & the last Pendragon of Great Britain, he was the son of King Caratacus, the grandson of King Cunobeline, Cyllin was Sainted by the early church of Britain for his support of Saint Paul in Rome.
Phares’ son Pinchas married Beliat, the daughter of Bran the fisher king.

Saint Andrew had travelled Europe extensively assisted by Saint Aristobulous who was the son of Aristobulus IV, the prince of Judea & his wife Berenice, Aristobulus IV was the son of King Herod The Great. Aristobulus’ Hebrew name was Zebedee. He had two wives, first he married Salome, the daughter of Saint Joseph of Nazareth and his first wife Salome II who was the daughter of King Herod The Great. Aristobulus divorced Salome bat Joseph as she was a devote follower of her half brother Rabbi Yeshua and Aristobulus was very much a Jewish prince having been educated in Rome alongside the future emperor Claudius, his second wife was Iotopa who was a Syrian princess, they chose to live a private life in Jerusalem where he ran a vast fishing business employing many fishermen. John and James were children of his first marriage and they became followers of their uncle long before their father. Aristobulus and his Cypriot half brother Barnabus became followers of Yeshua after his crucifixion when Aristobulus gave his daughter to Saint Paul for marriage. Saint Paul later sent Aristobulous to Britain but he was already very familiar as Saint Andrew had been a royal guest previously. Aristobulus brother Herod Agrippa I maryrd his son Saint James The Younger in 44 AD. His first wife is remembered as Saint Salome.
Below you can see firstly a line of descent via my paternal grandmother followed by a line of descent via my paternal grandfather.
Line of descent through my Grandma Sylvia I. Corbyn
- Mar Joseph of Arimathea (b.38BCE) he married Lady Yochanna.
- Mar Gilad married Nissiya Nair daughter of Nataniel bar Tolmai.
- Mar Nathan The Red married Fionna, Princess of The Milesians.
- Mar Phares (b. 53 CE) married a daughter of Saint Cyllin (A King of The Britons) and his wife Julia daughter of Saint Andrew.
- Pinchas (76-130) he married Lady Beliat of Leudonia.
- Nathaniel (b. 92 CE) married Yochanna, the daughter of Gaius Lucinius who was the Governor of Roman Britain and his wife Eurgen, daughter of Caratacus the King of The Britons.
- Yochannan (b. 118 CE) Roman King of Armenia and his wife Lady Julia Sohaemus, daughter of Gaius Julius Fabia Sampsiceramus III Priest King of Emesa.
- Gauis Julius Bassus High priest at Emesa (140-217)
- Raphael I (172 -217) married Lady Judith daughter of Nehunia ben Nathan and Julia Sohaemus of Emesa.
- Raphael II Metallanus (b. 180) he married Lady Severa daughter of Emperor Septimius Severus and his wife Julia Domna.
- Rafael III Gideon, he married Empress Barbia Orbiana.
- Rafael IV Heber (b. 220) he married Nissiya Esther, the daughter of Mar Nathan I Ukba ben Huna of Baghdad and his wife Lady Ada Shoshana who was the daughter of an Irish King.
- Nehemiah
- Mar Ukba III (285-337)
- Abba Mari (320-370) he married Lady Adah, daughter of Heber the King of Gothia and his wife Mara Esther, the daughter of Rafael V.
- Nathan II (330-400) married Zrowandukt, the daughter of Ardashir II Shah Of Persia and his Jewish wife Zenobia Apvallah Queen of Xionites and Nephtalites.
- Mar Chasdai Golomh married Princess Scota, daughter of Rafael X and his wife Seng, the Princess of Argyle.
- Cairenn (Corun) Chasdub the Lady of Britain, married Eochaidh Muigh Mugmedon MacMuiredach, the High King of Ireland.
- Aniel Mòr “Niall of The Nine Hostages” the High King of Ireland, he married Rignach “Reyna”.
- Nissiya, married Cano the King of the Picts.
- Nectan King of The Picts (b. 580)
- Beli I King of Strathclyde (b. 598)
- Beli II King of The Picts (b. 621) he married Tagd I, daughter of Eanfrith King of Bernicia and his Pictish wife Bega who was the great granddaughter of Esther, princess of Dumnonia.
- Entifidaig MacTagd, she married Indrectaig King of Irish Dal Riata.
- Fuirseach MacEntfidaig married Donnchadh “Duncan” (b. 733) High King of Midi.
- Conchobar King of Midi (b. 770) married Land daughter of Aed, the High King of Ireland.
- Eoganan “Angus II” King of Scottish Dal Riata (b. 800) married Tagd II, daughter of Alpin King of the Picts.
- Donachad “Donald I” MacEochocan King of The Scots (b. 830).
- Indrechtaig Prince Of Mide (b. 860)
- Dubacan Mormaer (b. 880)
- Duncan Mormaer Thane Of Dull (b. 900)
- Duncan I Mormaer Of Abbott (b. 920)
- Duncan II Mormaer Of Abbott (b. 949)
- Crìonain “The Thane” Mormaer of Athol (b. 975) married Beatrice “Bethoc” a descendent of Kenneth MacAlpine.
- Duncan I King Of Alba (b.1001) married Suthen “Susan/Sybil” HaKaghan.
- Malcolm III “Máel Coluim” King Of Scots (b. 1031) married Saint Margaret of Scotland.
- David I King of Scotland (b. 1080) married Maud Countess Of Huntingdon.
- Henry Earl Of Huntindon & Prince Of Scotland (b. 1114) married Adaline.
- William the Lion King of The Scots (b. 1143) married Ermengarde De Beaumont
- King Alexander II of Scots (1198-1249)
- King Alexander III (1241-1286)
- Prince Alexander MacAlexander (1264-1284) had a Jewish mistress Rebecca O’Cahan (Illegiimate daughter of Guy de Dampierre, granddaughter of Rabbi Samuel de Dampierre)
- John MacAlexander ( b. 1283) married Lady Margaret Bruce (b.1283) sister of Robert the Bruce I of Scots and second wife of William of Carlyle
- Angus Og MacAlexander III Lord of the Isles (b.1300) married Agnes McDonald daughter of Alexander II Og MacDonald Lord of the Isles and his wife Mariotta (daughter of John Alexander and Rebecca of Flanders)
- John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320)married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
- Alexander MacAlexander (b.1365) [brother of Donald Lord of the Isles] married Mary Lennox
- John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320) married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
- Alexander Alexander (b.1385)married Elizabeth MacDonald of Menstrie daughter of Robert McDonald son of Angus McDonald son of John MacAlexander of Menstrie son of Gilbert de Insula and Menstrie
- Thomas Alexander (1420-1506) married Catherine Campbell
- Andrew Alexander (1446) married Katherine Graham
- Alexander Alexander (1465) married Lady Elizabeth Douglas
- Andrew Alexander (1485-1526) married Margaret (Mariota) MacDonald only daughter of John MacDonald and Elizabeth Seton (daughter of Sir Alexander Seton of Touch and Elizabeth Erskine)
- Alexander Alexander (1505-1564) married Elizabeth Forbes
- William Alexander (1527-1610) married Elizabeth of Argyle
- Alexander Alexander (1545-1585 ) married Marion Contee
- John Alexander (1580-1611) brother of Sir William Alexander Earl of Stirling (1567-1640) married Chloe Vershole Green of German Jewish origin
- Andrew Alexander of Stirling (b.1605- 1640) married Margaret Graham of Gartmore.
- Captain John Alexander of Gartmore and Stirling (1625-1677) brother-in-law and cousin to Hon. John Alexander (1624-1663) married Elizabeth Fitzhugh aka Princess Elizabeth Stuart
- Alexander Alexander (1650-1677) married Margaret Falconer, daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot
- Michael Alexander (1672-1731) married Elizabeth Simons, granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist
- William Wolf Alexander (1690-1761) married Margaret Michael
- Rabbi Isaac “Alleker” Alexander (1729-1810) married Pheobe Cohen, daughter of Solomon Cohen
- Michael “Meir” Alexander (1761-1851) married Harriet Solomon, daughter of Lazarus Solomon
- Alexander Alexander (1800-1871) married firstly to Frances “Fegela” Lazarus and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel
- Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander (1831-1890) married Dinah Martin, daughter of London shopkeeper Benjamin Martin and his wife Rachel Tibbits
- Sarah Alexander (1854-1936) married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops
- Hyman Stanley Simons (1885-1943) married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Jewel Merchant Henry Elkin Shuter
- Sylvia Irene Simons (1913-1975) married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn
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