Ancestry UK

Joseph of Arimathea and The British Isles

Joseph of Arimathea

Joseph was a wealthy tin merchant and highly respected amongst both the Jews and the Romans, he was a direct descendant of King Solomon of Jerusalem and his commercial empire spanned most of the Roman provinces, including as far West as the British Isles where he owned several tin mines. He is known to have been a member of the Sanhedrin along with being both a relative and a secret disciple of the young rabbi known as Yeshua of Nazareth.

This story however focuses on his life outside the middle east, over in the West. After the Jewish elders imprisonment of Joseph and his subsequent escape he relocated to the British isles where he had good relations with ruling King of Britain Cunobelinus who refused to submit to Roman rule, he’d offered refuge to Joseph, his family and his followers. Joseph already held land their near his tin mines so it seemed an obvious area to remove himself to.

Joseph settled there with his wife Lady Yochanna and family and was given tax free status by the King, as Joseph would obviously be quite a good boon for the British isles. His daughter Yochanna married Saint Mark or Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן‎), the son of Saint Aristobulus and brother of Saint James The Elder. Joseph’s son Mar Gilad married Nissiya Naire, the daughter of Nataniel bar Tolmai or Saint Bartholomew. Gilad’s son Mar Nathan the Red who was named after his maternal grandfather married Fionna who was Princess of the Millesians and their son Mar Phares born 53 CE grew up to marry a daughter of Saint Cyllin and his wife Julia who was a daughter of Saint Andrew, the brother of Saint Peter. Saint Cyllin was King of the Britons & the last Pendragon of Great Britain, he was the son of King Caratacus, the grandson of King Cunobeline, Cyllin was Sainted by the early church of Britain for his support of Saint Paul in Rome.

Phares’ son Pinchas married Beliat, the daughter of Bran the fisher king.

Saint Andrew the Apostle by Artus Wolffort

Saint Andrew had travelled Europe extensively assisted by Saint Aristobulous who was the son of Aristobulus IV, the prince of Judea & his wife Berenice, Aristobulus IV was the son of King Herod The Great. Aristobulus’ Hebrew name was Zebedee. He had two wives, first he married Salome, the daughter of Saint Joseph of Nazareth and his first wife Salome II who was the daughter of King Herod The Great. Aristobulus divorced Salome bat Joseph as she was a devote follower of her half brother Rabbi Yeshua and Aristobulus was very much a Jewish prince having been educated in Rome alongside the future emperor Claudius, his second wife was Iotopa who was a Syrian princess, they chose to live a private life in Jerusalem where he ran a vast fishing business employing many fishermen. John and James were children of his first marriage and they became followers of their uncle long before their father. Aristobulus and his Cypriot half brother Barnabus became followers of Yeshua after his crucifixion when Aristobulus gave his daughter to Saint Paul for marriage. Saint Paul later sent Aristobulous to Britain but he was already very familiar as Saint Andrew had been a royal guest previously. Aristobulus brother Herod Agrippa I maryrd his son Saint James The Younger in 44 AD. His first wife is remembered as Saint Salome.

Below you can see firstly a line of descent via my paternal grandmother followed by a line of descent via my paternal grandfather.

Line of descent through my Grandma Sylvia I. Corbyn

  1. Mar Joseph of Arimathea (b.38BCE) he married Lady Yochanna.
  2. Mar Gilad married Nissiya Nair daughter of Nataniel bar Tolmai.
  3. Mar Nathan The Red married Fionna, Princess of The Milesians.
  4. Mar Phares (b. 53 CE) married a daughter of Saint Cyllin (A King of The Britons) and his wife Julia daughter of Saint Andrew.
  5. Pinchas (76-130) he married Lady Beliat of Leudonia.
  6. Nathaniel (b. 92 CE) married Yochanna, the daughter of Gaius Lucinius who was the Governor of Roman Britain and his wife Eurgen, daughter of Caratacus the King of The Britons.
  7. Yochannan (b. 118 CE) Roman King of Armenia and his wife Lady Julia Sohaemus, daughter of Gaius Julius Fabia Sampsiceramus III Priest King of Emesa.
  8. Gauis Julius Bassus High priest at Emesa (140-217)
  9. Raphael I (172 -217) married Lady Judith daughter of Nehunia ben Nathan and Julia Sohaemus of Emesa.
  10. Raphael II Metallanus (b. 180) he married Lady Severa daughter of Emperor Septimius Severus and his wife Julia Domna.
  11. Rafael III Gideon, he married Empress Barbia Orbiana.
  12. Rafael IV Heber (b. 220) he married Nissiya Esther, the daughter of Mar Nathan I Ukba ben Huna of Baghdad and his wife Lady Ada Shoshana who was the daughter of an Irish King.
  13. Nehemiah
  14. Mar Ukba III (285-337)
  15. Abba Mari (320-370) he married Lady Adah, daughter of Heber the King of Gothia and his wife Mara Esther, the daughter of Rafael V.
  16. Nathan II (330-400) married Zrowandukt, the daughter of Ardashir II Shah Of Persia and his Jewish wife Zenobia Apvallah Queen of Xionites and Nephtalites.
  17. Mar Chasdai Golomh married Princess Scota, daughter of Rafael X and his wife Seng, the Princess of Argyle.
  18. Cairenn (Corun) Chasdub the Lady of Britain, married Eochaidh Muigh Mugmedon MacMuiredach, the High King of Ireland.
  19. Aniel Mòr “Niall of The Nine Hostages” the High King of Ireland, he married Rignach “Reyna”.
  20. Nissiya, married Cano the King of the Picts.
  21. Nectan King of The Picts (b. 580)
  22. Beli I King of Strathclyde (b. 598)
  23. Beli II King of The Picts (b. 621) he married Tagd I, daughter of Eanfrith King of Bernicia and his Pictish wife Bega who was the great granddaughter of Esther, princess of Dumnonia.
  24. Entifidaig MacTagd, she married Indrectaig King of Irish Dal Riata.
  25. Fuirseach MacEntfidaig married Donnchadh “Duncan” (b. 733) High King of Midi.
  26. Conchobar King of Midi (b. 770) married Land daughter of Aed, the High King of Ireland.
  27. Eoganan “Angus II” King of Scottish Dal Riata (b. 800) married Tagd II, daughter of Alpin King of the Picts.
  28. Donachad “Donald I” MacEochocan King of The Scots (b. 830).
  29. Indrechtaig Prince Of Mide (b. 860)
  30. Dubacan Mormaer (b. 880)
  31. Duncan Mormaer Thane Of Dull (b. 900)
  32. Duncan I Mormaer Of Abbott (b. 920)
  33. Duncan II Mormaer Of Abbott (b. 949)
  34. Crìonain “The Thane” Mormaer of Athol (b. 975) married Beatrice “Bethoc” a descendent of Kenneth MacAlpine.
  35. Duncan I King Of Alba (b.1001) married Suthen “Susan/Sybil” HaKaghan.
  36. Malcolm III “Máel Coluim” King Of Scots (b. 1031) married Saint Margaret of Scotland.
  37. David I King of Scotland (b. 1080) married Maud Countess Of Huntingdon.
  38. Henry Earl Of Huntindon & Prince Of Scotland (b. 1114) married Adaline.
  39. William the Lion King of The Scots (b. 1143) married Ermengarde De Beaumont
  40. King Alexander II of Scots (1198-1249)
  41. King Alexander III (1241-1286)
  42. Prince Alexander MacAlexander (1264-1284) had a Jewish mistress Rebecca O’Cahan (Illegiimate daughter of Guy de Dampierre, granddaughter of Rabbi Samuel de Dampierre)
  43. John MacAlexander ( b. 1283) married Lady Margaret Bruce (b.1283) sister of Robert the Bruce I of Scots and second wife of William of Carlyle
  44. Angus Og MacAlexander III Lord of the Isles (b.1300) married Agnes McDonald daughter of Alexander II Og MacDonald Lord of the Isles and his wife Mariotta (daughter of John Alexander and Rebecca of Flanders)
  45. John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320)married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
  46. Alexander MacAlexander (b.1365) [brother of Donald Lord of the Isles] married Mary Lennox
  47. John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320) married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
  48. Alexander Alexander (b.1385)married Elizabeth MacDonald of Menstrie daughter of Robert McDonald son of Angus McDonald son of John MacAlexander of Menstrie son of Gilbert de Insula and Menstrie
  49. Thomas Alexander (1420-1506) married Catherine Campbell
  50. Andrew Alexander (1446) married Katherine Graham
  51. Alexander Alexander (1465) married Lady Elizabeth Douglas
  52. Andrew Alexander (1485-1526) married Margaret (Mariota) MacDonald only daughter of John MacDonald and Elizabeth Seton (daughter of Sir Alexander Seton of Touch and Elizabeth Erskine)
  53. Alexander Alexander (1505-1564) married Elizabeth Forbes
  54. William Alexander (1527-1610) married Elizabeth of Argyle
  55. Alexander Alexander (1545-1585 ) married Marion Contee
  56. John Alexander (1580-1611) brother of Sir William Alexander Earl of Stirling (1567-1640) married Chloe Vershole Green of German Jewish origin
  57. Andrew Alexander of Stirling (b.1605- 1640) married Margaret Graham of Gartmore.
  58. Captain John Alexander of Gartmore and Stirling (1625-1677) brother-in-law and cousin to Hon. John Alexander (1624-1663) married Elizabeth Fitzhugh aka Princess Elizabeth Stuart
  59. Alexander Alexander (1650-1677) married Margaret Falconer, daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot
  60. Michael Alexander (1672-1731) married Elizabeth Simons, granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist
  61. William Wolf Alexander (1690-1761) married Margaret Michael
  62. Rabbi Isaac “Alleker” Alexander (1729-1810) married Pheobe Cohen, daughter of Solomon Cohen
  63. Michael “Meir” Alexander (1761-1851) married Harriet Solomon, daughter of Lazarus Solomon
  64. Alexander Alexander (1800-1871) married firstly to Frances “Fegela” Lazarus and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel
  65. Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander (1831-1890) married Dinah Martin, daughter of London shopkeeper Benjamin Martin and his wife Rachel Tibbits
  66. Sarah Alexander (1854-1936) married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops
  67. Hyman Stanley Simons (1885-1943) married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Jewel Merchant Henry Elkin Shuter
  68. Sylvia Irene Simons (1913-1975) married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn

Queen Esther Faa Blythe

Queen Esther Faa Blythe

Her majesty Esther Faa Blythe, last queen of the gypsies and my 4x great grandmother. Last of the royal Faas, Esther had a pleasing aspect and an olive complexion. She was an intelligent woman with a very shrewd nature, but a fiery temper which could almost be an identical description of my grandmother Rebecca also known by her nickname Daisy. Like many gypsy women, Esther was addicted to tobacco and smoked a clay pipe.

She was daughter of the King Charles Blythe, she was raised to study the bible but wasn’t a very strong reader like her Dad. She married John Rutherford in Coldstream, Berwickshire, he was known as Jethard Jock and was a local mason and plasterer. They had 12 children.

She was keen horse rider and lived a typical traveller lifetsyle selling crockery to locals until her coronation. She lived at Gypsy palace with her cat, the palace was a whitewash thatched cottage with her cat.

Gypsy Palace

Line of descent from King Charles

  1. King Charles Blythe (1774-1861) married Esther Faa of Roxburgh.
  2. Esther Faa Blythe (1797-1883) married John Rutherford of Roxburgh.
  3. John Rutherford (1842-1904) married Mabel Renwick. of Berwickshire.
  4. Jane Rutherford (1867-1940) had illegitemate child with James Rutherford of Berwickshire.
  5. Dora Rutherford (1897-1972) married James Howden of Haddington.
  6. Rebecca Charlotte Thorburn Marr Howden (1923-2014) married my maternal grandfather Jack G. Hannah. (1923-1979).

King Alexander III & The Jewish Kingdom of Scotland

King Alexander III

King Alexander III was a descendent of King David I of Scotland, he was the son of King Alexander II and his wife Marie de Coucy. King David’s brother was King Alexander I. Malcolm III and his wife St. Margaret named these two children as part of their claim that they are descended from both King David of Israel and King Alexander of Macedonia. Malcolm’s father King Duncan I was a descendant of Duncan the Thane of Dull (Crimthann/Cremthainne mac Donnchada) whose father was the Mormaer of Angus the grandson of King Donnchad macEochocan of Mide in Ireland. King Donnchad was a descendant of High King Niall of the Nine Hostages via his son Conall king of Uisnech.

Alexander coat of arms

The Alexander family were descended from the McDonald Lord of the Isles. Donald Lord of the Isles and his son Angus Mor were direct male line descendants of Somerled. Somerled is a direct descendent from the Khazar Jews of Eastern Europe. DNA testing revealed that the descendants of Somerled belonged to haplotype R1a but the Alexander family belong to R1b. There are two Angus Og’s. One is Angus Og MacDonald the younger son of Angus Mor MacDonald by his second Jewish wife Rebecca of Flanders who married him after the death of Prince Alexander making her children by Prince Alexander heirs to the Lordship of The Isles. The second is Angus Og MacAlexander who was the son-in-law of Alexander Mor MacDonald by his daughter Agnes. Angus Og MacAlexander’s parents were John Alexander and Margaret Bruce (sister of Robert I King of Scots). John Alexander was the illegitimate son of Prince Alexander macAlexander son of King Alexander III of Scots, by his Jewish mistress Rebecca the illegitimate half sister of Prince Alexander’s wife Margaret of Flanders. Rebecca later married Angus Mor MacDonald thus making her the step-mother of Alexander Og MacDonald. Rebecca was the illegitimate daughter of Guy II de Dampierre [in some genealogies, he was recorded as Guy O’Cahan (Cohen/Khagan)] and his Jewish mistress Yocheved, the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel de Dampierre the grandson of Rabbi Isaac of Dampierre. Guy II was the grandson of Guy I de Dampierre whose father Thibaud de Dampierre was a son of Rabbi Simcha de Vitri (Viter de Moeslain). Rabbi Simcha de Vitri was the grandson of Rabbi Judah ben Meir ha Kohen (Khagan) the grandson of Prince Judah ha-Khagan of the Khazars.

Somerled (Shlomo ha Kohen) was the son of Gilad ben Adam ha Kohen. Adam ha Koghan (Cahan) was the son Solomon ha Kahan who in turn was the son of Mar Gad ha Khaghan a Khazar prince who marrried into the Royal Family of Dublin and became Margad King of Dublin. Mar Gad ha Khaghan was a descendant of the Khazar ruler Menumarot (Menachem) of Bihar and Khazaria a great grandson of Marot (Marovec) the Khazar Khaghan of Bihar. Khaghan was the title of the Khazar King (it was often changed to Kohen by the Jews descended from Khazar nobles who came West into Europe). Marot (Moses) was the brother of the Khagan of Khazaria Menashshe II son of Khagan Zevulon of Khazaria. It is also interesting that the “Semi-Gotha” of 1912-13 lists the MacDonald family as of ancient Jewish origin in its list of Noble families of Jewish origin.

John Alexander Lord of the Isles married as his first wife Amy the widow of his cousin Lord John of Islay (the son of Angus II Mac Alisdair). In the genealogies his step-children are listed as his sons by this first wife. The MacDonald descendants of Amy are in fact of the R1a lineage of Somerled whereas the sons of John alexander Lord of the Isles and Margaret Stewart are of the R1b lineage of the Niall clan. Some of the Scottish Alexanders who are of R1a descend from Alisdair the son of Donald Lord of the Isles and others of the R1b from John Alexander Lord of the Isles.

Sir William Alexander 1st Earl of Stirling

Sir William Alexander the 1st Earl of Stirling was made the Ruler of Novo Scotia by King James I and confirmed by King Charles I. His son Lord William Alexander led some settlers to Novo Scotia during the 1620’s and 1630’s. He also played a part in the King James Bible, he was employed by King James to translate the Psalms from the original Hebrew into English.

William’s son Lord John Alexander of Stirling married Agnes Graham, daughter of Robert Graham of Gartmore. Lord John eventually moved to America due to the overthrow of the Monarchy. He first appeared in Virginia in 1656 at this point he was married to Agnes’ relative Catherine Graham, he had married her after his first wife Agnes died in 1636.

...Sir William Alexander was a poet of some 
merit. His son, William, married and died, 1638 
(in the lifetime of his father), leaving in infant, 
who became the second Earl of Stirling, but dying 
in 1640, the title passed to his uncle, Sir Anthony 
Alexander, third Earl of Stirling, who, dying 
without an heir, the title passed to his brother, Sir 
Henry, fourth Earl of Stirling, in whose family 
it remained until it passed to the descendants of 
his brother, John, who had emigrated to America 
and died, 1667...

Lord John escaped from Scotland in 1641 he went with his son John to visit his mother at Mount Alexander in Ireland at the home of her daughter Lady Montgomery. Later John and his son John as well as other members of the family fled to France and then to Novo Scotia as mentioned above. In 1656 they went to Virginia and in 1659 they bought an Estate and called it Caledon after their Province of Caledonia where they were in Novo Scotia. Lord John died in 1667 and his son Hon. John died in 1663. Captain John Alexander died in 1677.

Now my ancestor was Captain John Alexander. The Hon. John and Captain John lived in Antrim before they fled to France. The Alexander family descended from John of Antrim who was in fact Captain John who also later lived at Temple Patrick Antrim in Ireland after their return from America. Captain John Alexander was the son of Andrew Alexander a nephew of the 1st Earl Stirling who grew up with Hon. John Alexander. Andrew Alexander’s father had died as a young man and Andrew was brought up by his uncle the 1st Earl of Stirling.

Captain John Alexander left Britian in 1641 and then eventually moved to Virginia. As supporters of the Stuart monarchy these were years in which the family suffered great losses.  Two of Captain John Alexander’s sons left descendants there. His four sons were Alexander, John, Robert and Philip.

Princess Elizabeth Stewart

Captain John Alexander’s two eldest sons left America and returned to Europe and Alexander became the ancestor of Major General William Alexander the 6th Earl of Stirling. Alexander, John, Robert and Philip were born in the Nova Scotia hideaway which was later called New Ross. Captain John was married to Elizabeth Fitzhugh, Elizabeth was in fact Princess Elizabeth Stuart who was rescued from her prison and replaced with another woman.

Captain John’s son Alexander Alexander (b.1650 New Ross Nova Scotia) had at least four sons William, David, Michael and James (b.1668). William remained in TemplePatrick Ireland but David, Michael and James moved back to Kintyre in Scotland.

Alexander Alexander (b. 1650) married Margaret Falconer the daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot. Their son Michael Alexander (b.1672) married Elizabeth Shimoni or Simon who was a granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist. These families were all connected with the Mint. Interestingly Abraham Simon was also the direct line ancestor of my Jewish grandmother Sylvia Simons who married my grandfather Francis Corbyn. Michael was the ancestor of the English Jewish families of Alexander including my own. One of his descendants was Rabbi Michael Solomon Alexander who became the first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem. Due to the Rabbi’s conversion to Christianity his Jewish uncle Alexander Alexander (known also as Sender) changed his surname to Abrahams. Michael Alexander’s son William Wolf Alexander (b.1690) married Margaret Michaels and fathered Rabbi Isaac Alexander (b.1729) who removed himself to Germany and wrote many books. Isaac also owned a merchant ship which was docked in Portsmouth. Isaac was the grandfather of Bishop Alexander. Michael Alexander’s daughter Rachel Alexander (b.1700)married Rabbi Joseph Raphael.

A book by Rabbi Isaac Alexander (1729-1811)

Isaac Alexander married Pheobe Cohen, the daughter of Solomon Cohen (1726-1790) and they had many children including my ancestor Michael Alexander who was known to the Jewish community as Meir Alexander. Michael was born in Germany but moved to London to workas a Commission & Shipping Agent for his father’s merchant ship. Michael married Harriet Solomon, the daughter of Lazarus Solomon. In 1800 they had Alexander Alexander who continued his father’s fruit business. Alexander married twice, firstly to Frances Lazarus which produced a son Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel. Lazarus married Dinah Martin in 1852, the daughter of a London shopkeeper, their marriage produced a daughter named Sarah Alexander (b.1854). Sarah married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops. Jacob was the great grandfather of Ann Simons, the wife of business magnate Alan Sugar of Apprentice fame via their son David. Another of their sons was my ancestor Hyman Stanley Simons and he married Rachael Shuter in 1909, she the daughter of a London jewel merchant called Henry Elkin Shuter. My father has fond memories of Rachael Shuter who was known in the family as Granny Simons. Hyman and Rachael moved to Bedford Park in Chiswick, number 31 Bath Road which he affectionately named Simons Villa. They had three children, one of these children was my grandmother Sylvia Simons who married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn in 1948.

Niall of the Nine Hostages

Line of descent from Niall of the Nine Hostages via King Alexander III

  1. Niall Mor of the Nine Hostages High King of Ireland
  2. King Conall Cremthainne Gulban of Uisnech
  3. Prince Fergus Cerbaill (aka King Fergus Mac Earca of Dal Riata in Scotland)
  4. King Diarmat of Uisnech
  5. King Colman Mor of Uisnech (d.557)
  6. King Suibne of Uisnech (d.598)
  7. King Conall Guthbinn of Uisnech (d.637)
  8. Prince Airmetach Caech of Uisnech (d.639)
  9. King Diarmat Dian of Uisnech (d.689)
  10. King Murchad of Uisnech (d.713)
  11. King Domnall Midi of Mide (d.763)
  12. King Donchadh Midi of Mide (733-797)
  13. King Conchobar of Mide (b.770-833)
  14. Prince Eochocan of Mide (b.800)
  15. King Donachad Mac Eochocan of Mide (b.830 – 877)
  16. Prince Indrechtaig of Mide (b.860)
  17. Dubacan Mormaer of Angus (b.880)
  18. Duncan Thane of Dull (b.900)
  19. Duncan I Mormaer of Athol (920-965)
  20. Duncan II Mormaer of Athol (949-988)
  21. Crinan Mormaer of Athol (975-1045) married Bethoc daughter of King Malcolm II of Scotland
  22. King Duncan I of Scots (1013-1040) married Suthen daughter of Mar Ghazan (Guiamar V of Salerno) of the Hunza Valley a descendant of Alexander the Great
  23. King Malcolm III of Scots (1033-1093) married St Margaret
  24. King David I of Scots (1080-1153) brother of King Alexander I of Scots
  25. Henry Earl of Huntingdon (1114-1152)
  26. King William the Lion of Scots (1143-1214)
  27. King Alexander II of Scots (1198-1249)
  28. King Alexander III (1241-1286)
  29. Prince Alexander MacAlexander (1264-1284) had a Jewish mistress Rebecca O’Cahan (Illegiimate daughter of Guy de Dampierre, granddaughter of Rabbi Samuel de Dampierre)
  30. John MacAlexander ( b. 1283) married Lady Margaret Bruce (b.1283) sister of Robert the Bruce I of Scots and second wife of William of Carlyle
  31. Angus Og MacAlexander III Lord of the Isles (b.1300) married Agnes McDonald daughter of Alexander II Og MacDonald Lord of the Isles and his wife Mariotta (daughter of John Alexander and Rebecca of Flanders)
  32. John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320)married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
  33. Alexander MacAlexander (b.1365) [brother of Donald Lord of the Isles] married Mary Lennox
  34. John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320) married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
  35. Alexander Alexander (b.1385)married Elizabeth MacDonald of Menstrie daughter of Robert McDonald son of Angus McDonald son of John MacAlexander of Menstrie son of Gilbert de Insula and Menstrie
  36. Thomas Alexander (1420-1506) married Catherine Campbell
  37. Andrew Alexander (1446) married Katherine Graham
  38. Alexander Alexander (1465) married Lady Elizabeth Douglas
  39. Andrew Alexander (1485-1526) married Margaret (Mariota) MacDonald only daughter of John MacDonald and Elizabeth Seton (daughter of Sir Alexander Seton of Touch and Elizabeth Erskine)
  40. Alexander Alexander (1505-1564) married Elizabeth Forbes
  41. William Alexander (1527-1610) married Elizabeth of Argyle
  42. Alexander Alexander (1545-1585 ) married Marion Contee
  43. John Alexander (1580-1611) brother of Sir William Alexander Earl of Stirling (1567-1640) married Chloe Vershole Green of German Jewish origin
  44. Andrew Alexander of Stirling (b.1605- 1640) married Margaret Graham of Gartmore.
  45. Captain John Alexander of Gartmore and Stirling (1625-1677) brother-in-law and cousin to Hon. John Alexander (1624-1663) married Elizabeth Fitzhugh aka Princess Elizabeth Stuart
  46. Alexander Alexander (1650-1677) married Margaret Falconer, daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot
  47. Michael Alexander (1672-1731) married Elizabeth Simons, granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist
  48. William Wolf Alexander (1690-1761) married Margaret Michael
  49. Rabbi Isaac “Alleker” Alexander (1729-1810) married Pheobe Cohen, daughter of Solomon Cohen
  50. Michael “Meir” Alexander (1761-1851) married Harriet Solomon, daughter of Lazarus Solomon
  51. Alexander Alexander (1800-1871) married firstly to Frances “Fegela” Lazarus and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel
  52. Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander (1831-1890) married Dinah Martin, daughter of London shopkeeper Benjamin Martin and his wife Rachel Tibbits
  53. Sarah Alexander (1854-1936) married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops
  54. Hyman Stanley Simons (1885-1943) married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Jewel Merchant Henry Elkin Shuter
  55. Sylvia Irene Simons (1913-1975) married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn
A Jewish warrior from the Kingdom of Khazar

The Jewish Kingdom of Scotland

  1. Kaghan Bulan of khazaria (b. 690)
  2. Kaghan Sabriel (b.710) married the Davidic Jewish princess Serakh
  3. Khagan Obadiah of Khazaria (b.730)
  4. Khagan Chanukah of Khazaria (b.760) (brother of Khagan Hezekiah of Khazaria (b.750))
  5. Khagan Yitzach of Khazaria (b.780) (cousin of Khagan Menashshe I of Khazaria (b.775))
  6. Khagan Zevulon of Khazaria (b.800)
  7. Marot (Marovec/Moses)Khagan of the Bihar Khazars (b.830) (brother of Khagan Menashshe II of Khazaria (b.820))
  8. Khagan Aharon I of Khazaria (b.855) (cousin of Khagan Zechariah ben Menashshe of Khazaria (b.840))
  9. Khagan Menumarot (Menachem) of Bihar Khazars and Khazaria (b.874) married Princess Adiva of England and Mercia the niece of Edward the Elder King of England
  10. Khagan Benjamin of Kharzaria (b.892) (his sister Princess Men of Bihar and Khazaria married Duke Zoltan of Hungary and his sister Biagata (Agata of Bihar) married Duke Boleslav I of Bohemia)
  11. Khaghan Aharon II of Khazaria (b.912)
  12. Khaghan Joseph (Cellach) of Khazaria and Moray (b.930) married Sabina (Sabh) of the Khazars daughter of Prince Judah of the Khazars
  13. Prince Menashshe (Maine) of the Khazars (b.960) (brother of Agatha mother of Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria) married Beatrice (Bethoc) daughter of Malcolm I of Scots and Princess Fianna of Leinster
  14. Prince Shlomo of the Khazars (b.990) married Princess Ragna (Rogneda) of Waterford and Dublin (daughter of King Ragnall II of Waterford and Rogneda of Russia (sister of Yaroslav the Wise))
  15. MarGad King of Dublin (b.1019) (brother of Agatha mother of St Margaret of Scotland) married Queen Suthen the widow of King Duncan I of Scotland
  16. Solomon ha Kaghan (b.1041) (half-brother of King Malcolm III) married Bride of Dublin
  17. Adam ha Kaghan (b.1060) married Sabina O’Brien
  18. Gilli (Gilead ben Adam) Khaghan King of the Hebrews (Hebrides)(b.1080) married Bride of the Isles
  19. Somerled (Shlomo) King of the Isles (b.1113) married Ragnahild
  20. Reginald King of the Isles (b.1148) married Fonia of Moray
  21. Donald Khaghan Lord of the Isles (b.1178) married Majory Stewart
  22. Angus Mor Khaghan MacDonald Lord of the Isles (b.1245) married Rebecca of Flanders (daughter of Guy de Dampierre)
Somerled King of The Isles on a 19th-century stained glass window at Armadale Castle.

Somerled (Shlomo) the Jewish warrior king of the Isles, ancestor of the MacDonalds of Scotland.

The Loðbrók Dynasty

“In the days of Harald Fairhair, king of Norway, certain pirates, of the family of the most vigorous prince Rögnvald, set out with a great fleet, and crossed the Solundic sea…, and subdued the islands to themselves. And being there provided with safe winter seats, they went in summer-time working tyranny upon the English, and the Scots, and sometimes also upon the Irish, so that they took under their rule, from England, Northumbria; from Scotland, Caithness; from Ireland, Dublin, and the other sea-side towns.” – Historia Norvegiae

The Loðbrók dynasty was short lived and prospered throughout the 9th Century, they are the ancestors of many famous European families including the Corbyn family.

The founder of the dynasty was Ragnar Loðbrók who was a royal exile who conquered many lands in Scotland and Ireland. He became the King of all Lochlann which was a collection of Islands north of Scotland, the Kingdom included the Orkney islands, the Isle of Mann and the Shetlands. The Kingdom of Lochlann had previously been ruled by his male line ancestor King Arthwys ap Mor. Before he became the undisputed King of Vestfold in Norway, he had an earldom in the east of Norway which was known as Møre. The name Møre alludes to the Jewish title of Mar which was carried by those who were of the Royal House of King David, of which he was one.

A Statue of Rollo the Duke of Normandy from Ålesund 1911.

Around 831 after ravaging the North of England, he moved his attentions to Ireland eventually killing an Irish king and becoming a King in his own right. He first visited Ireland in 820 but by the the late 830s his intentions had changed, instead of mere conquest, now he intended to settle. This coincided with his exile by the hands of his brother Hálfdan who wanted the Kingdom of Vestfold for himself. Shortly after this, the events in fortriu of 839 in which the Picts fought a bloody battle with Ragnar and his warriors resulted in Kenneth MacAlpine’s rise to power. Saxo records that he summoned his sons Bjorn and Erik, and they ravaged the Orkney Islands, then landed at last on the territory of the Scots, and in a three-days battle wearied out their king Murial, and slew him. But Ragnar’s sons, Dunwat and Radbard, after fighting nobly, were slain by the enemy. So that the victory their father won was stained with their blood.

His crowning glory was his invasion of Paris in 845, which secured his position as the most feared man in all Christendom. His descendants continued attacking Paris throughout the rest of the century. The most famous of which was a siege in 885 led by Hrólf Rägnvaldsson who later became known as Rollo Duke of Normandie.

After Ragnar’s invasion of Paris he became very sick and word spread that he was dead, the Irish king even claimed he had killed him through drowning. His kinsman King Hrørik sent emissaries to Charles the Bald informing him that he had killed Ragnar and all his men, the truth was that Ragnar had returned to his kingdom in the Scottish isles to recover. It appears his main drive was to reconquer all the lands of his ancestors and build peaceful settlements in foreign land so that his people could prosper, evidence for this is found in Scotland during the reign of Kenneth MacAlpine who had allied with Ragnar during the 830s. In this period of recovery his kingdom in Dublin was invaded and conquered by his enemies over in Scandinavia, he sent his sons to try and reconquer these lands in Ireland, however a son called Thorir who remains unnamed in any other record was killed during one of these attempts, eventually his sons Ívar and Oláfr was successful and they became Kings of Dublin.

King Aella’s messengers inform the sons of Ragnar of their father’s death.

While Ragnar wasn’t as famous in history as he was in the sagas he was certainly worthy of honour considering he carved out a kingdom in Scotland and he paved the way for his sons to conquer the British Isles. Knowing he couldn’t do such a task on his own, he knew the only thing that could unite his children was his death. So he set out on a mission which would eventually lead to his death by the hands of King Ælla of Northumbria.

Ragnar Lodbrok King of the Danes and his sons Ivar and Ubba.

Ragnar was married at least three times in his life. His first marriage was to the shield maiden Lagertha, they married young after fighting together in the Danish civil war during the early 9th century. They had one son and three daughters Ubba/Oláfr, Aløf & Asbjørg. Ragnar & Lagertha’s relationship came to a rocky end after he met his second wife princess Thora, daughter of King Harald of Sweden. With Thora he had five sons and one daughter Agnar, Erik, Dunvat, Radbad, Thorir, and Åscrida. His third wife was Aslög and they had five sons and one daughter Bjorn, Halfdan, Sigurd, Rögnvald, Ivar  and Thora. There is also another known son called Ásl, Óláfr killed him in 867 but the histories fall silent as to the true reason for his murder. Thorir son of the King of Lochlann, heir to Ragnar’s kingdom in Ubba’s absence was killed in 848 during an attempt by King Ragnar to reconquer his lands in Ireland, which had recently been taken over by his enemies. An illegitimate daughter Matilda married Godfrid son of Harald Klak, Godfrid claimed the duchy of Frisia after Ubba’s death in 877.

The Loðbrók Dynasty sadly ended with the death of his children, however his son Bjorn Ironside seeded the Münso dynasty in Sweden, his son Ivar seeded the ua Ímair dynasty in Ireland, his son Rägnvald seeded the House of Normandy, while his son Sigurd seeded the House of Gorm in Denmark.

Ragnar Loðbrók m. Hlaðgerðr, the shield maiden

  1. Óláfr/Amlaíb/Ubba, the King of Dublin.
  2. Aløf married Helgi the Sharpe.
  3. Asbjørg married Æthelwulf, King of Wessex, mother of King Alfred the Great .

Ragnar Loðbrók m. Thora the Townhart, Princess of Sweden

  1. Agnar killed in the battle for Sweden.
  2. Eirik (Hrørek/Roric) killed in the battle for Sweden.
  3. Dunvat Killed in the conquest of Lochlann.
  4. Radbad (Rodbert/Radbard/Redbeard) killed in the conquest of Lochlann.
  5. Thorir killed in an attempt to reconquer Dublin.

Ragnar Loðbrók married Aslög, princess of Sweden 

  1. Halfdan “Whiteshirt” via his daughters he seeded the Rurik dynasty of Rus.
  2. Sigurd “Snake In The Eye” seeded the house of Gorm that ruled Denmark.
  3. Ivar “The Boneless” seeded the Ua Imair dynasty that ruled Dublin.
  4. Rögnvald “The Wise” seeded the Dukes of Normandie.
  5. Thora who married Gerulf, Count of Frisia.
  6. Bjorn “Ironside” seeded the Münso dynasty that ruled Sweden.

King Edward III, Danny Dyer and Me

Both myself and Danny Dyer are distant cousins, we both have a long and complicated ancestry full of weird and wonderful characters and we both share descent from King Edward III, King of England. He is descended from his son Lionel 1st Duke of Clarence and I am descended from his son Prince John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster.

Danny’s ancestors made their way through history from Royal stock, through the landed gentry, right the way down to the back streets of East London. His ancestor Lionel Plantagenet, son of King Edward III married Elizabeth de Burgh, daughter of an Irish peer. The family were very prosperous and were heavily involved with the Tudor Royal court, he is in fact a direct descendent of Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister via his son Gregory Cromwell. Ann Tollemache, daughter of Lord Lionel Tollemache was married to Katherine Cromwell, great granddaughter of Thomas Cromwell. Lord Tollemache lived at Helmingham Hall in Suffolk.

Helmingham Hall; Ancestral residence of the Tollmache Family.

Ann married Robert Gosnold (1587-1633) a member of the Landed Gentry, Gosnold fought in the English Civil War and was a fervent supporter of the Royalist cause. He fought a losing battle for King Charles I all the way up to the siege of Oxford. Robert Gosnold’s descendant Charles Gosnold (1727-1788) married Sarah French and their daughter Ann married James Buttivant a successful manufacturer in Norwhich who fell into difficult times and was declared bankrupt in 1799. It was this moment that his ancestors fell into poverty. There son Charles worked as a Cargo Clerk, he was employed in the Victualling Office that provided food to keep the Royal Navy fed.

Ann and Albert Buttivant

Charles married Hannah Wing and their son Albert worked as a Cigar Maker in Mile End, he fell in hard times and at age 31 he was forced to go into the Old Town Workhouse in Bancroft Road. He and his wife Ann Howcutt had a daughter called Mary Ann Buttivant and she was Danny Dyer’s ancestor, she married John Wallace and their granddaughter Joyce M L Rudd born 1931 in Poplar, East London married Danny’s grandfather John Dyer, youngest son of dock worker George Dyer and his wife Ethel neé Aldridge.

John of Gaunt
Prince John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Earl of Richmond

My ancestors were the product of John of Gaunt and his Jewish mistress Beatriz Enriquez, she was the granddaughter of King Alfonso XI. Her parents were Alonso Fradrique of Castille and his Jewish mistress Palomi. His illegitimate daughter travelled to England with her father and eventually married Thomas Sybil, their daughter Rose Sybil moved to France and married Eleizer Lifshitz and was known as Dreizel Zeibel. Their daughter Mala Lifshitz married Yechiel II Luria the Chief Rabbi of Brest. The family remained on the continent and were very prominent in the Jewish community, until eventually they found themselves back in England where they continued to be very prominent in the Jewish community. Samuel Simon Lazarus was the first to land on English soil, he married Margoles Hart, sister of Moses Hart a wealthy Jewish business man and Aaron Hart, Chief Rabbi of England. His granddaughter Frances Lazarus married Alexander Alexander, a London fruiterer and descendent of King Alexander III of Scotland. Lazarus Alexander son of Alexander and Frances continued his father’s business and married Dinah Martin, daughter of Benjamin Martin a London shopkeeper, their daughter Sarah married Jacob Simons, a wealthy Jewish businessman descendant of the 17th Century medalist Abraham Shimoni. Jacob’s son David Simons was the ancestor of Ann Simons who married Baron Sugar of Clapton (Alan Sugar of Apprentice fame), his other son Hyman Simons continued the family’s butcher business and married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Henry Elkin Shuter a London Jewel merchant. Their daughter Sylvia Simons married my grandfather, Francis J. Corbyn.

Moses Hart (1675-1756); London Businessman

Both mine and Danny’s ancestors ended up living in East London, probably crossed paths at some point in their lives, however one is a story of tragedy and poverty while the other is a tale of success.

Danny Dyer’s Descent

  1. King Edward III married Philippa of Hainault
  2. Lionel Plantagenet married Elizabeth de Burgh
  3. Phillippa Plantagenet married Edmund Mortimer
  4. Elizabeth Mortimer married Sir Henry (Hotspur) Percy
  5. Elizabeth Percy married Lord John Clifford
  6. Mary Clifford married Sir Philip Wentworth
  7. Sir Henry Wentworth married Anne Say
  8. Margery Wentworth married Sir John Seymour (Father of Jane Seymour, 3rd wife of Henry VIII)
  9. Elizabeth Seymour married Gregory Cromwell (Son of Thomas Cromwell Chief Minister of Henry VIII)
  10. Lord Henry Cromwell married Mary Paulet
  11. Catherine Cromwell married Lionel Tollemache
  12. Anne Tollemache married Robert Gosnold V
  13. Robert Gosnold IV married Dorothy Jegon
  14. Lionel Gosnold married Rebecca Hardy
  15. Walter Gosnold married Elizabeth
  16. Tendering Gosnold married Ann Reynolds
  17. Charles Gosnold married Sarah French
  18. Ann Gosnold married James Buttivant
  19. Charles Buttivant married Hannah Wing
  20. Albert Buttivant married Ann Howcutt
  21. Mary Ann Buttivant married John Wallace
  22. Mary Ann Wallace married Arthur Rudd
  23. Joyce Rudd married John Dyer
  24. Antony Dyer married Christine Meakin
  25. Danny Dyer born 1977

My Direct Descent

  1. King Edward III married Phillipa of Hainault
  2. Prince John of Gaunt had many mistresses including Beatriz Enriquez (Granddaughter of King Alfonso XI of Castille, daughter of Alonso Fadrique of Castile by his Jewish mistress Palomi.)
  3. Maria Gaunt moved to England and married Thomas Sybill
  4. Rose Sybill (Dreizel Zeibel) moved to France and married Eleizer Lifshitz
  5. Malka Lifshitz married married Yechiel II Luria the Chief Rabbi of Brest
  6. Dreizel Miriam Ziebel Luria married Rabbi Eliezer Yehiel Lipman Schrentzel
  7. Beila (Bilhah) Lipman Schrentzel married Rabbi Isaac Klauber of Poznan
  8. Eshet Klauber married Rabbi Yoel Singer of Krákow
  9. Falka Chana Singer married Avraham Fum Hertzkes
  10. Bhilla Hertzkes married Yoel ben Schmuel  Yaffe-Sirkes haBach
  11. Rivkah Yaffe-Sirkes married Rabbi David HaLevi Segal Cheif Rabbi of Potelych
  12. Shmuel HaLevi married the daughter of Rabbi Samson ben Pesah Ostropoli
  13. Margoles HaLevi married Simon Lazarus in Goslar, Germany
  14. Eleazer Lazarus married Gitla Moses
  15. Samuel Lazarus married Margoles Hart (Sister of Aaron and Moses Hart who founded the Great Synagogue of London)
  16. Joseph HaLevi Lazarus married the widower Simha Frances Franks, daughter of Moses Hart.
  17. Frances (Fegela) Lazarus married Alexander Alexander, a fruiterer buying imported fruit and selling it to traders.
  18. Lazarus (Eliezer) Alexander married Dinah Martin, daughter of Benjamin Martin, a London shopkeeper.
  19. Sarah Alexander married Jacob Simons, a London butcher and business owner.
  20. Hyman Stanley Simons married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Henry Elkin Shuter a London Jewel merchant.
  21.  Sylvia Irene Simons married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn born in 1911.




The Legendary Kings of Hedeby

A list of Kings of Hedeby also known as Haithabu, they ruled over the Danish lands with Hedeby as their economic centre. The early King lists of Hedeby have a lot of duplicate entries, which contradict each other and do not match with the contemporary historical records. It was a turbulent time with various families competing for the throne with at least two civil wars, one in 812-814 and another in 854. These were the legendary Kings of the Danes who ruled over Denmark and much of Norway in the late 8th Century and early 9th century. There was another Royal line who ruled over Sweden that were eventually defeated by the Loðbrók dynasty in 860.

  1. Harald Wartooth (Died in 772).
  2. Sigurd “Hring” Ranversson (Died in 798).
  3. Harald Redbeard (Died in the Irish Sea in 804).
  4. Gudrød “The Magnificent” (Murdered in 810).
  5. Hemming (Killed in 812 by the sons of Gudrød).
  6. Harald Klak with his brothers (Exiled in 814).
  7. The sons of Gudrød (A brief rule from 814-820).
  8. Harald Klak ( Returned in 820 until he was again exiled in 826).
  9. Hrørik Gudrødsson (Ruled from 827 until his violent death in 854).
  10. Ragnar Loðbrók (Murdered in abt 864 by King Aella of Northumbria).
  11. Sigurd “Snake in the Eye” (Ruled jointly with his brothers from 867).
  12. A period of instability while the Loðbrók dynasty focused on the British isles.
  13. Bacgsecg a puppet king of the Loðbrók dynasty died in 871 during with the heathen army under the leadership of Halfdan.
  14. Harald “Fine Hair” (In 871 he took advantage of the instability in Denmark and for a couple of years ruled both Norway and Denmark).
  15. The Loðbrók dynasty (Returned to Denmark in 873 and started a very long conflict with King Harald that lasted generations).
  16. Another period of instability when Sigurd “Snake in the Eye” drunk with power left Denmark to rule Viking Scotland creating instability once again in Denmark.
  17. Olaf the Brash of Sweden (Conquered Denmark in Sigurd’s absence and founded the House of Olaf).
  18. Gyrd and Gnupa.
  19. Sigtrygg Gnupasson.
  20. Cnut I son of Sigurd successfully defeated the House of Olaf and became the first King of all Denmark.

Harald Wartooth King of The Danes

Harald Wartooth at the Battle of Bråvalla. Illustration by the Danish Lorenz Frølich in a 19th-century book.

King Harald was King of the Danes and ruled over all of Scandinavia, he was a feared warrior and through his marriage to Hilda, daughter of Ivar the Wide Fathom he became undisputed heir to the Danish thrown. While there have been many humorous opinions of why he carried the name “War Tooth” it is most likely that he was a Great War hero who had a taste for war, he just loved getting his teeth into a good battle. It is said that his empire stretched as far south as the Mediterranean.

He was the son of Hrørik the Ring Slinger, who held land in Zealand and the grandson of Hódr, the sagas fall fairly silent about these two personages, except for a few references to Hrørik. However the Frankish annals give plenty of detail for these two individuals.

Theuderic IV from Guillaume Rouillé’s Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum

Famous for being the grandfather of Hamlet, Hrørik was none other than Theodoric IV (Thierry IV), the Duke of Narbonne from 739 when Charles Martel insisted that the King of Baghdad dispatch a Jew of the seed of David to rule Narbonne. The King of Baghdad sent Rabbi Makhir Todros (Thierry/Theodoric) and made him the Duke of Narbonne after he captured it from the Ishmaelites in 739. Also known as Aymeri de Narbonne a legendary Frankish hero, he ruled as the Duke of Septimania and married Charles Martel’s daughter Alda, known as Auðr the deep minded in the sagas.

Rather than being son of Odin, Hódr was the famous Odo (Eudes/Eudo) le Grande duke of Aquitaine, the ancestor to a many great dynasties including the infamous Corbyn family. He was a great leader and fought a great many battles in Francia against the Ishmaelites. Many historians argue over his ancestry, however rather than being a Merovingian, he was in fact of the seed of David and a Babylonian Exilarch known as Judah Zakkai son of Ahunai of the Holy Land. Battle and conquest certainly ran deep in this family.

Harald Wartooth was succeeded by Sigurd Hring after he was defeated and killed during the Battle of Bråvalla. It was in fact King Harald’s suggestion they fight a great battle, Harald was very old and desired to die in battle rather than dying in bed of sickness.

Sigurd and Harald encouraged their warriors to attack, the lur horns sounded and the battle cries rose up. Warrior fought against warrior. Blind, old King Harald rode out into the fray with a sword in each hand and struck away at the enemy. Harald fell in the battle with his son Rørek and when Sigurd Ring heard that his opponent had fallen, he instantly gave the sign that the fighting should cease. The day after the battle he sought out King Harald’s body and put it onto a funeral pyre along with his horse. Sigurd Ring stood before the fire and bade Harald ride straight to Valhalla and secure lodging for those who had perished.

  1. Ahunai of the Holy Land (Hernaut de Beauland) m. St. Clothilda Queen of Austrasia
  2. Odo le Grande (Judah Zakkai ben Ahunai) m. Sussanah le Blanchfleur.
  3. Theodoric IV Duke of Narbonne (Rabbi Machir Todros) m. Alda (Auðr) daughter of Charles Martel Mayor of the Palace.
  4. Harald Wartooth  (Menachem ben Machir) m. Hilda daughter of Ivar the Wide Fathom King of the Danes.

Gudrød the Hunter King of the Danes

In 804 a new King came to the throne in Denmark Gudfred/Gudroød/Godfrey, most scholars theorise he was the son of Sigfred. However in this period in Danish history there was an awful lot of civil war and conflict, rival families disputing land and titles, resulting in numerous struggles for the Danish thrown. It is highly unlikely he was King Sigfred’s son, there is no historical evidence for this. He was also known as Godfrey the Proud of the Franks who opposed the Emperor Charlemagne.

Harald Wartooth
Harald Wartooth at the Battle of Bråvalla. Illustration by the Danish Lorenz Frølich in a 19th-century book.

In fact King Gudfred was none other than the legendary King of Vestfold, Gudrød the Hunter ancestor of Harald Finehair, also known as Gudrød the Magnificent. His father was Halfdan Whiteshanks of Vestfold and Princess Åsa the daughter of Harald Wartooth who held a vast kingdom stretching as far as the Middle East. Harold Wartooth inherited the northern kingdoms legitimately by marrying the daughter of Ivar Wide Fathom, the last male line descendent of Wodan/Odin the founder of the Northern kingdoms. King Ivar ruled over all the northern kingdoms but had no male heirs. Harald Wartooth was feared across Europe but he eventually died in a battle against his brother in law Sigurd Hring, Harald was an old man and wanted to die in battle. Sigurd Hring took the Danish throne and ruled for several years until 798 when the crown was passed to Harald Wartooth’s son Harald Redbeard who was later killed in the Irish Sea in 804.

This brings us to the man in question Gudrød the Hunter King of Vestfold. Vestfold was just north of Denmark on the southernmost coast of Norway.

Güdrod had big ambitions to rule the Northern Kingdom, he married firstly Queen Alfhíld, the widow of Sigurd Hring, through this marriage he tried to legitimise his claim for the Danish thrown. Knowing Harald Ráðbarðr had a stronger claim to the thrown being the son of Harald Wartooth, he knew he had to either kill Harald or marry his daughter Åsa. Harald refused his proposal of marriage to his daughter.

So Güdrod planned a secret attack against King Harald. During an expedition to Ireland King Harald was taken by surprise by Güdrod and his men who arrived by night, King Harald fought well but was eventually defeated and killed together with his son Gyrd. Güdrod then captured Åsa and married her. He then declared himself as the undisputed King of The Danes.

Gudrød was a ruthless ruler and faced very little competition when making his claim for the throne. He spent most of his rule fearing invasion from the Franks, he made many improvements to the security of Denmark. A wall was built with an earthen embankment topped by a wooden stockade and protected from the south by a deep ditch. Denmark’s most important town, Hedeby was expanded and garrisoned with Danish soldiers and the early sections of the wall were designed to protect it.

His rule was a tyrannical one, forcing many settlements and towns to accept him as overlord and forcing taxes upon them and he even forced taxes upon his kinsman. By the end of his rule, he failed to negotiate a peace treaty with Charlemagne.

Murder of King Gudrød
Gudrød is murdered (Illustration by Gerhard Munth)

He ruled Denmark for 6 years until his premature death in 810, when after a long night of celebrations one of his men thrust a spear through his heart killing him instantly. It turned out to be Åsa’s page-boy, she admitted that he was acting for her and she fled to her father’s old Kingdom in Agder where she ruled as queen regnant.

Gurød the Magnificent was succeeded by his kinsman Hemming who ruled for two years and successfully made peace with the Franks.

It was the aforementioned Queen Åsa that kept a young Ragnar Loðbrók safe from the sons of Güdrod, along with his sister Redburga, half brother Rurik and Jewish mother Tora. The sons of Gudrød sought to eradicate all threats to the Danish throne. Ragnar’s mother Tora was the younger woman buried in the Oseberg ship with Queen Åsa. She carried the U7 mitochondrial DNA showing her descent from the semitic people of the middle east.