King Alexander III was a descendent of King David I of Scotland, he was the son of King Alexander II and his wife Marie de Coucy. King David’s brother was King Alexander I. Malcolm III and his wife St. Margaret named these two children as part of their claim that they are descended from both King David of Israel and King Alexander of Macedonia. Malcolm’s father King Duncan I was a descendant of Duncan the Thane of Dull (Crimthann/Cremthainne mac Donnchada) whose father was the Mormaer of Angus the grandson of King Donnchad macEochocan of Mide in Ireland. King Donnchad was a descendant of High King Niall of the Nine Hostages via his son Conall king of Uisnech.

The Alexander family were descended from the McDonald Lord of the Isles. Donald Lord of the Isles and his son Angus Mor were direct male line descendants of Somerled. Somerled is a direct descendent from the Khazar Jews of Eastern Europe. DNA testing revealed that the descendants of Somerled belonged to haplotype R1a but the Alexander family belong to R1b. There are two Angus Og’s. One is Angus Og MacDonald the younger son of Angus Mor MacDonald by his second Jewish wife Rebecca of Flanders who married him after the death of Prince Alexander making her children by Prince Alexander heirs to the Lordship of The Isles. The second is Angus Og MacAlexander who was the son-in-law of Alexander Mor MacDonald by his daughter Agnes. Angus Og MacAlexander’s parents were John Alexander and Margaret Bruce (sister of Robert I King of Scots). John Alexander was the illegitimate son of Prince Alexander macAlexander son of King Alexander III of Scots, by his Jewish mistress Rebecca the illegitimate half sister of Prince Alexander’s wife Margaret of Flanders. Rebecca later married Angus Mor MacDonald thus making her the step-mother of Alexander Og MacDonald. Rebecca was the illegitimate daughter of Guy II de Dampierre [in some genealogies, he was recorded as Guy O’Cahan (Cohen/Khagan)] and his Jewish mistress Yocheved, the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel de Dampierre the grandson of Rabbi Isaac of Dampierre. Guy II was the grandson of Guy I de Dampierre whose father Thibaud de Dampierre was a son of Rabbi Simcha de Vitri (Viter de Moeslain). Rabbi Simcha de Vitri was the grandson of Rabbi Judah ben Meir ha Kohen (Khagan) the grandson of Prince Judah ha-Khagan of the Khazars.
Somerled (Shlomo ha Kohen) was the son of Gilad ben Adam ha Kohen. Adam ha Koghan (Cahan) was the son Solomon ha Kahan who in turn was the son of Mar Gad ha Khaghan a Khazar prince who marrried into the Royal Family of Dublin and became Margad King of Dublin. Mar Gad ha Khaghan was a descendant of the Khazar ruler Menumarot (Menachem) of Bihar and Khazaria a great grandson of Marot (Marovec) the Khazar Khaghan of Bihar. Khaghan was the title of the Khazar King (it was often changed to Kohen by the Jews descended from Khazar nobles who came West into Europe). Marot (Moses) was the brother of the Khagan of Khazaria Menashshe II son of Khagan Zevulon of Khazaria. It is also interesting that the “Semi-Gotha” of 1912-13 lists the MacDonald family as of ancient Jewish origin in its list of Noble families of Jewish origin.
John Alexander Lord of the Isles married as his first wife Amy the widow of his cousin Lord John of Islay (the son of Angus II Mac Alisdair). In the genealogies his step-children are listed as his sons by this first wife. The MacDonald descendants of Amy are in fact of the R1a lineage of Somerled whereas the sons of John alexander Lord of the Isles and Margaret Stewart are of the R1b lineage of the Niall clan. Some of the Scottish Alexanders who are of R1a descend from Alisdair the son of Donald Lord of the Isles and others of the R1b from John Alexander Lord of the Isles.

Sir William Alexander the 1st Earl of Stirling was made the Ruler of Novo Scotia by King James I and confirmed by King Charles I. His son Lord William Alexander led some settlers to Novo Scotia during the 1620’s and 1630’s. He also played a part in the King James Bible, he was employed by King James to translate the Psalms from the original Hebrew into English.
William’s son Lord John Alexander of Stirling married Agnes Graham, daughter of Robert Graham of Gartmore. Lord John eventually moved to America due to the overthrow of the Monarchy. He first appeared in Virginia in 1656 at this point he was married to Agnes’ relative Catherine Graham, he had married her after his first wife Agnes died in 1636.
...Sir William Alexander was a poet of some merit. His son, William, married and died, 1638 (in the lifetime of his father), leaving in infant, who became the second Earl of Stirling, but dying in 1640, the title passed to his uncle, Sir Anthony Alexander, third Earl of Stirling, who, dying without an heir, the title passed to his brother, Sir Henry, fourth Earl of Stirling, in whose family it remained until it passed to the descendants of his brother, John, who had emigrated to America and died, 1667...
Lord John escaped from Scotland in 1641 he went with his son John to visit his mother at Mount Alexander in Ireland at the home of her daughter Lady Montgomery. Later John and his son John as well as other members of the family fled to France and then to Novo Scotia as mentioned above. In 1656 they went to Virginia and in 1659 they bought an Estate and called it Caledon after their Province of Caledonia where they were in Novo Scotia. Lord John died in 1667 and his son Hon. John died in 1663. Captain John Alexander died in 1677.
Now my ancestor was Captain John Alexander. The Hon. John and Captain John lived in Antrim before they fled to France. The Alexander family descended from John of Antrim who was in fact Captain John who also later lived at Temple Patrick Antrim in Ireland after their return from America. Captain John Alexander was the son of Andrew Alexander a nephew of the 1st Earl Stirling who grew up with Hon. John Alexander. Andrew Alexander’s father had died as a young man and Andrew was brought up by his uncle the 1st Earl of Stirling.
Captain John Alexander left Britian in 1641 and then eventually moved to Virginia. As supporters of the Stuart monarchy these were years in which the family suffered great losses. Two of Captain John Alexander’s sons left descendants there. His four sons were Alexander, John, Robert and Philip.

Captain John Alexander’s two eldest sons left America and returned to Europe and Alexander became the ancestor of Major General William Alexander the 6th Earl of Stirling. Alexander, John, Robert and Philip were born in the Nova Scotia hideaway which was later called New Ross. Captain John was married to Elizabeth Fitzhugh, Elizabeth was in fact Princess Elizabeth Stuart who was rescued from her prison and replaced with another woman.
Captain John’s son Alexander Alexander (b.1650 New Ross Nova Scotia) had at least four sons William, David, Michael and James (b.1668). William remained in TemplePatrick Ireland but David, Michael and James moved back to Kintyre in Scotland.
Alexander Alexander (b. 1650) married Margaret Falconer the daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot. Their son Michael Alexander (b.1672) married Elizabeth Shimoni or Simon who was a granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist. These families were all connected with the Mint. Interestingly Abraham Simon was also the direct line ancestor of my Jewish grandmother Sylvia Simons who married my grandfather Francis Corbyn. Michael was the ancestor of the English Jewish families of Alexander including my own. One of his descendants was Rabbi Michael Solomon Alexander who became the first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem. Due to the Rabbi’s conversion to Christianity his Jewish uncle Alexander Alexander (known also as Sender) changed his surname to Abrahams. Michael Alexander’s son William Wolf Alexander (b.1690) married Margaret Michaels and fathered Rabbi Isaac Alexander (b.1729) who removed himself to Germany and wrote many books. Isaac also owned a merchant ship which was docked in Portsmouth. Isaac was the grandfather of Bishop Alexander. Michael Alexander’s daughter Rachel Alexander (b.1700)married Rabbi Joseph Raphael.

Isaac Alexander married Pheobe Cohen, the daughter of Solomon Cohen (1726-1790) and they had many children including my ancestor Michael Alexander who was known to the Jewish community as Meir Alexander. Michael was born in Germany but moved to London to workas a Commission & Shipping Agent for his father’s merchant ship. Michael married Harriet Solomon, the daughter of Lazarus Solomon. In 1800 they had Alexander Alexander who continued his father’s fruit business. Alexander married twice, firstly to Frances Lazarus which produced a son Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel. Lazarus married Dinah Martin in 1852, the daughter of a London shopkeeper, their marriage produced a daughter named Sarah Alexander (b.1854). Sarah married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops. Jacob was the great grandfather of Ann Simons, the wife of business magnate Alan Sugar of Apprentice fame via their son David. Another of their sons was my ancestor Hyman Stanley Simons and he married Rachael Shuter in 1909, she the daughter of a London jewel merchant called Henry Elkin Shuter. My father has fond memories of Rachael Shuter who was known in the family as Granny Simons. Hyman and Rachael moved to Bedford Park in Chiswick, number 31 Bath Road which he affectionately named Simons Villa. They had three children, one of these children was my grandmother Sylvia Simons who married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn in 1948.

Line of descent from Niall of the Nine Hostages via King Alexander III
- Niall Mor of the Nine Hostages High King of Ireland
- King Conall Cremthainne Gulban of Uisnech
- Prince Fergus Cerbaill (aka King Fergus Mac Earca of Dal Riata in Scotland)
- King Diarmat of Uisnech
- King Colman Mor of Uisnech (d.557)
- King Suibne of Uisnech (d.598)
- King Conall Guthbinn of Uisnech (d.637)
- Prince Airmetach Caech of Uisnech (d.639)
- King Diarmat Dian of Uisnech (d.689)
- King Murchad of Uisnech (d.713)
- King Domnall Midi of Mide (d.763)
- King Donchadh Midi of Mide (733-797)
- King Conchobar of Mide (b.770-833)
- Prince Eochocan of Mide (b.800)
- King Donachad Mac Eochocan of Mide (b.830 – 877)
- Prince Indrechtaig of Mide (b.860)
- Dubacan Mormaer of Angus (b.880)
- Duncan Thane of Dull (b.900)
- Duncan I Mormaer of Athol (920-965)
- Duncan II Mormaer of Athol (949-988)
- Crinan Mormaer of Athol (975-1045) married Bethoc daughter of King Malcolm II of Scotland
- King Duncan I of Scots (1013-1040) married Suthen daughter of Mar Ghazan (Guiamar V of Salerno) of the Hunza Valley a descendant of Alexander the Great
- King Malcolm III of Scots (1033-1093) married St Margaret
- King David I of Scots (1080-1153) brother of King Alexander I of Scots
- Henry Earl of Huntingdon (1114-1152)
- King William the Lion of Scots (1143-1214)
- King Alexander II of Scots (1198-1249)
- King Alexander III (1241-1286)
- Prince Alexander MacAlexander (1264-1284) had a Jewish mistress Rebecca O’Cahan (Illegiimate daughter of Guy de Dampierre, granddaughter of Rabbi Samuel de Dampierre)
- John MacAlexander ( b. 1283) married Lady Margaret Bruce (b.1283) sister of Robert the Bruce I of Scots and second wife of William of Carlyle
- Angus Og MacAlexander III Lord of the Isles (b.1300) married Agnes McDonald daughter of Alexander II Og MacDonald Lord of the Isles and his wife Mariotta (daughter of John Alexander and Rebecca of Flanders)
- John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320)married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
- Alexander MacAlexander (b.1365) [brother of Donald Lord of the Isles] married Mary Lennox
- John MacAlexander Lord of the Isles (b.1320) married Princess Margaret Stewart daughter of Robert II Stewart King of Scots
- Alexander Alexander (b.1385)married Elizabeth MacDonald of Menstrie daughter of Robert McDonald son of Angus McDonald son of John MacAlexander of Menstrie son of Gilbert de Insula and Menstrie
- Thomas Alexander (1420-1506) married Catherine Campbell
- Andrew Alexander (1446) married Katherine Graham
- Alexander Alexander (1465) married Lady Elizabeth Douglas
- Andrew Alexander (1485-1526) married Margaret (Mariota) MacDonald only daughter of John MacDonald and Elizabeth Seton (daughter of Sir Alexander Seton of Touch and Elizabeth Erskine)
- Alexander Alexander (1505-1564) married Elizabeth Forbes
- William Alexander (1527-1610) married Elizabeth of Argyle
- Alexander Alexander (1545-1585 ) married Marion Contee
- John Alexander (1580-1611) brother of Sir William Alexander Earl of Stirling (1567-1640) married Chloe Vershole Green of German Jewish origin
- Andrew Alexander of Stirling (b.1605- 1640) married Margaret Graham of Gartmore.
- Captain John Alexander of Gartmore and Stirling (1625-1677) brother-in-law and cousin to Hon. John Alexander (1624-1663) married Elizabeth Fitzhugh aka Princess Elizabeth Stuart
- Alexander Alexander (1650-1677) married Margaret Falconer, daughter of Sir John Falconer and his Dutch Jewish wife Esther Briot
- Michael Alexander (1672-1731) married Elizabeth Simons, granddaughter of Abraham Simon the famous English medallist
- William Wolf Alexander (1690-1761) married Margaret Michael
- Rabbi Isaac “Alleker” Alexander (1729-1810) married Pheobe Cohen, daughter of Solomon Cohen
- Michael “Meir” Alexander (1761-1851) married Harriet Solomon, daughter of Lazarus Solomon
- Alexander Alexander (1800-1871) married firstly to Frances “Fegela” Lazarus and secondly to Mary Sarah Emmanuel
- Lazarus “Eliezer” Alexander (1831-1890) married Dinah Martin, daughter of London shopkeeper Benjamin Martin and his wife Rachel Tibbits
- Sarah Alexander (1854-1936) married Jacob Simons, owner of a chain of butcher shops
- Hyman Stanley Simons (1885-1943) married Rachael Shuter, daughter of Jewel Merchant Henry Elkin Shuter
- Sylvia Irene Simons (1913-1975) married my grandfather Francis J. Corbyn

The Jewish Kingdom of Scotland
- Kaghan Bulan of khazaria (b. 690)
- Kaghan Sabriel (b.710) married the Davidic Jewish princess Serakh
- Khagan Obadiah of Khazaria (b.730)
- Khagan Chanukah of Khazaria (b.760) (brother of Khagan Hezekiah of Khazaria (b.750))
- Khagan Yitzach of Khazaria (b.780) (cousin of Khagan Menashshe I of Khazaria (b.775))
- Khagan Zevulon of Khazaria (b.800)
- Marot (Marovec/Moses)Khagan of the Bihar Khazars (b.830) (brother of Khagan Menashshe II of Khazaria (b.820))
- Khagan Aharon I of Khazaria (b.855) (cousin of Khagan Zechariah ben Menashshe of Khazaria (b.840))
- Khagan Menumarot (Menachem) of Bihar Khazars and Khazaria (b.874) married Princess Adiva of England and Mercia the niece of Edward the Elder King of England
- Khagan Benjamin of Kharzaria (b.892) (his sister Princess Men of Bihar and Khazaria married Duke Zoltan of Hungary and his sister Biagata (Agata of Bihar) married Duke Boleslav I of Bohemia)
- Khaghan Aharon II of Khazaria (b.912)
- Khaghan Joseph (Cellach) of Khazaria and Moray (b.930) married Sabina (Sabh) of the Khazars daughter of Prince Judah of the Khazars
- Prince Menashshe (Maine) of the Khazars (b.960) (brother of Agatha mother of Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria) married Beatrice (Bethoc) daughter of Malcolm I of Scots and Princess Fianna of Leinster
- Prince Shlomo of the Khazars (b.990) married Princess Ragna (Rogneda) of Waterford and Dublin (daughter of King Ragnall II of Waterford and Rogneda of Russia (sister of Yaroslav the Wise))
- MarGad King of Dublin (b.1019) (brother of Agatha mother of St Margaret of Scotland) married Queen Suthen the widow of King Duncan I of Scotland
- Solomon ha Kaghan (b.1041) (half-brother of King Malcolm III) married Bride of Dublin
- Adam ha Kaghan (b.1060) married Sabina O’Brien
- Gilli (Gilead ben Adam) Khaghan King of the Hebrews (Hebrides)(b.1080) married Bride of the Isles
- Somerled (Shlomo) King of the Isles (b.1113) married Ragnahild
- Reginald King of the Isles (b.1148) married Fonia of Moray
- Donald Khaghan Lord of the Isles (b.1178) married Majory Stewart
- Angus Mor Khaghan MacDonald Lord of the Isles (b.1245) married Rebecca of Flanders (daughter of Guy de Dampierre)

Somerled (Shlomo) the Jewish warrior king of the Isles, ancestor of the MacDonalds of Scotland.
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